
Small Business Offline Sales and Conversions – Measure Them Right!

Sometimes, small businesses start to significantly decelerate, when they need to improve their online marketing. It is partly happening because of the lack of awareness about the technical means involved in it and also because of the fear that they can’t measure offline sales and conversions. This article will obviously lead us through the second part of it.

If you have an Ecommerce website selling things through the Internet, your ROI is very easy to measure and you can use your web analytics software to trace each of your website’s visitor, where they came from, how they managed through your site, what was their purchase, etc. However, for websites that are only meant for lead generation, subscription drive, or other subsidiary things, it won’t be as easy to estimate their ROI. Further, you will find some of the methods you can employ to trace the efficiency of your online investments for your start-up.

Consider Using Special Phone Numbers

It is always useful to stick to special phone numbers that aren’t found anywhere, except for your website’s landing page. If you get a call on that number, this means your online marketing campaign is bringing its fruits and now this lead can be monitored as conversion.

Introduce Online Coupons

These coupons represent particular discount offers that your clients are able to print out and bring to your offline store for receiving a discount on the product they buy. Instead of just being a price discount, these coupons may involve an up-selling promotion, additional service discount, or even a free gift they can get together with their buy.

Moreover, you can use online coupons for B2B companies. These companies depend upon their in-house management teams or manufacturer’s affiliates to make the deal generated for them by their online marketing campaign.

Take Advantage of CRM – Customer Relationship Manager – Systems

Although these systems are conventionally thought of as only for the multi-million dollar companies, they trace the generated lead at every point of contact, define the proximity of a sale, and determine the way this sale can be achieved. The majority of small businesses never employed these systems because of their high ownership costs, but just recently the world has witnessed the appearance of strong and rather cheap CRM systems, such as Zoho and SalesForce. They are extremely helpful for tracking prospects in small businesses.

It is essential to close the sale cycle, since this way you’ll get a better understanding the efficiency of various online marketing activities implemented by your or your web SEO company. Making this extra effort will surely provide rich fruits for your web marketing.

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