Let’s talk about how you can reduce your bounce rate. Below are three key steps you should take in strategizing a plan to lower your bounce rates.
1) Ranking pages by bounce rate – The first step in strategizing your plan of attack for improving your site’s bounce rates is understanding where on your site high bounce rates are occurring. To build your understanding, rank all of your pages by bounce rate. Doing so will allow you to see what pages need work and what don’t, and this will narrow down your focus to the most important pages.
2) Consider traffic volume – After you’ve ranked your pages by bounce rate, you must consider the traffic each page is attracting. Inevitably, certain pages of your site will attract more or fewer visitors than others will. Once you know how much traffic each page generates, you can then assign pages a value based on their traffic. This will allow you to better strategize which pages need more work than others, and you will most likely avoid making the mistake of simply trying to fix the pages that have the highest bounce rates because you are taking traffic volume into consideration as well.

3) Comparing both to your site totals for each – Once you have ranked your pages and have considered each page’s traffic volume, you should then compare the two statistics and from there make the best decision. Consider this scenario:
- Page 1 has a bounce rate of 59% and attracts 1000 visitors/week
- Page 2 has a bounce rate of 72% and attracts 500 visitors/week
If you could reduce the bounce rate of only one page, which would you choose? Many people make the mistake of selecting page 2 to work on, simply because it has higher bounce rates and therefore needs more attention. But this is flawed reasoning because page 1 attracts twice as many visitors as does page 2. While it certainly has a lower bounce rate, page 1’s bounce rate of 59% isn’t that much lower than that of page 2 (72%). Keeping things simple, reducing the bounce rate of page 1 is most likely a better idea, and not page 2 because the bounce rate discrepancy between the two pages isn’t that significant, but the traffic generated is.
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